Help our main character (let's call him Melvin) make it to the end of this whacky and challenging gauntlet. It's up to you to find out what lies at the end of it! Who knows what surprises are in store! The key to winning is patience, so take your time. That is, if the death counter doesn't bother ya.

Left & Right arrow keys or A & D to move, Up arrow key, W key, or Space to jump. You have unlimited lives and there's two checkpoints. If you're on touchscreen, touch the corresponding buttons to control the player. Press or touch the sound icon to mute/unmute the sounds. 

UPDATE 29/7/2021: 
Added touchscreen support.
Added a second ending.
Added a mute sound button. 
Added and changed sound effects.
Changed the look of the UI.
Tweaked some animations.
The player now stops in place for a while after respawning.

UPDATE 8/1/2023: (yes it took that long)
Added alternative control inputs for keyboard.

UPDATE 9/1/2023:
Added dedicated screen for controls upon starting.
Rebalanced the overall difficulty of the game.
Other miscellaneous tweaks.


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make the controls wasd

I'd implement it immediately if I hadn't hit Construct 3's 50 events limit.

(1 edit)

I've finally added WASD controls after deciding to revisit this project! I'm awfully late, I know, sorry if was dismissive before.